Holistic, integrated and sustainable development of the mountain people based on their cultural values, traditions and resources.
Empowering people to take their development decisions themselves and build a stable society that is free of social, economic and gender inequity.
- To make the local people active partners in the planning and implementation of the development process, which is sustainable and sensitive to their needs.
- To create and empower community based organizations and institutions, which may provide a collective voice to the people ensuring that the developmental plans and policies are sustainable and people oriented.
- To help local people enhance their capabilities and hone their skills to be able to participate in a development process, which aims to attain optimum utilization of the available resources.
- To train people in market strategies and other economic activities, which may help them get optimum benefits from the resources available; without compromising a sustainable livelihood and food security.
- To regenerate the local eco-system and restore the environmental balance with the help of the local people.